Join Us

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of South London Makerspace.

south london makerspace

Our Membership is “£28 per month… plus some time” as we’re a totally volunteer built and run workshop, everyone needs to help out a bit to keep the Space up and running.

We have very fixed costs so there is no pay per use or pay as you go, but we do also have reduced rates available for members facing financial hardship – contact us for more details. 

If that all sounds good and you would like to join, please sign up to our online forum Discourse. There you will get a private message in your Discourse inbox with a link to our pre-membership survey. Within a few days of filling it out, you should receive a link to join! Make sure to check your spam folder.

In the meantime feel free to contribute and interact with the active Makerspace community on Discourse and come along to any public events we have (open evenings / textiles & electronics nights etc..).

Note: Once you join there is currently a 1-3 month wait for safety inductions in the most popular areas such as the wood workshop. There are many areas/tools that do not require a safety induction such as electronics, textiles and more. We are actively looking for experienced makers to help out with inductions and maintenance in various areas (woodworking, metalworking, wood turning, print making, ceramics just to name a few), let us know if that sounds like you!

You must be 18 years or older to join the Makerspace